File number: IDE / 2019/000795
Development of a Virtual and Augmented Reality system for processes such as inspection, quality, assembly, distribution, etc. in industry.
This system will provide users with support in Augmented Reality, AR, which will accurately indicate the tasks to be carried out according to the operation being carried out. The main functionalities of this system are the following:
- Overlay indications with the reality of the tasks to be performed in the location where they must be done.
- At each action point, the user has access to the following information:
- List of tasks to be carried out with instructions
- Access to related documentation (such as plans, technical specifications, etc.,)
- Multimedia material (fotos and videos).
- Non-linear processes. The system is prepared to support non-linear processes, those in which several tasks can be performed simultaneously or in any order. Graph system.
From the technical point of view, a solution with the following characteristics has been proposed:
- Information positioning in augmented reality using the Microsoft Azure World Anchors solution.
- Compatible with Android tablets or mobiles with AR Core technology. It is the most used and accessible system at industrial level.
- Prepared for a rapid adaptation to HoloLens 2. Although augmented reality glasses are the future due to the advantage that they leave your hands free, nowadays they are not widely used in industry due to costs and technical limitations typical of the former phases of their development.
- Designed for interiors. Although the technology that it is going to be used can work outdoors, it is fair for indoors use, factories or production centers.
Furthermore, the tool is equipped with a system for registering the points verified at the following levels:
- The user himself “checks” the points he verified.
- Through the positioning systems, the tool can verify that the operator has been in the most important control points.
- At each of the checkpoints, photos can be taken, or notes added to the record.
The information from the records will be saved in the tool’s own database or can be downloaded to the client’s systems. Depending on the type of final customer and the type of information systems that the company has, projects can be developed either in the client’s own systems or in a component of the application that is created ad-hoc. Same way, procedures are created ad-hoc for each application or a bridge is generated and allows, as far as possible, to feed the system with the procedures that the client already has created and in digital format.
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